Sunday, May 22, 2016

Share a Cup. 

I found this cup at a thrift store. I was drawn to the intertwined flowers in a color that is as soft and blue as the summer sky.  But it was the handle positioned low and round that sealed the deal. 

As is my habit now, I stepped outside with my coffee just as the sun was beginning to rise.  These moments that I walk around my backyard seeking out a place to photograph my coffee are as much a part of me as breathing.  It’s the search for something unique or undiscovered in a place that is familiar and well trodden that has become an exercise in stillness, patience, observation and creativity.  

I took several shots of the cup on a blue mosaic table and the armrest of a black plastic chair.  As I turned to go back inside, my eye caught the sight of a broken pot split down the middle. It’s been there since the last big wind storm knocked it off the deck. I placed my lovely new coffee mug between the two shards and began to shoot from all angles. And as I began the process of selecting the photo of the day, I was struck the most by the symbolism of the beautiful blue cup tucked inside the remains of the broken pot. How much do we protect ourselves with the armor of resistance?  Cracking open leaves us vulnerable, exposed.  But, oh what light and beauty awaits our transformation.  

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